Seeing Into

What will be created in this inquiry? What capacities or awareness might emerge?

Here is an example of seeing into, a capacity emerging from experience.

I was recently in a Zoom meeting with a small group of colleagues. We were settling in and the leader mentioned a recent shooting at a block party in Baltimore, MD. Immediately, I experienced memory flashes from a shooting decades ago at my children’s school. I began to anticipate what was likely coming to this community in Baltimore –

Is my child safe? Is my neighborhood safe? Journalists, tv news coverage, radio coverage, the identity of the shooter(s), name of the shooter(s), children and adults dead and injured, anxious calls from friends and family, meetings for the community, funerals, offers of therapy … I anticipated details of an unfolding experience through frames of past experiences.

By seeing into, we map layers of interweaving events. There is correspondence and interiority at the moment of experience and in echos of events building a larger structure with its own sense of reality—the shooting.

Seeing into is also an independently creative experience. I see into as a mental space opening up and presenting a thought. As I give it my attention, it begins to pop-ulate with new thoughts. I feel surrounded by possibility. I keep paper and pen at hand to jot down these moments.

How can we see into events of correspondence with nature? How can we use documentation of experiences to understand and explore correspondence with nature? How do we access interiority as experienced by participants?