The Deeptime Network

This website is an emergent project

Since September 2022, I have studied a Deeptime Perspective to address questions I had about the nature of humanity, our relationship with nature, how quantum theory, scientific discoveries on the scale of the universe, evolution, biology at the species level, and biology at microscopic DNA levels are changing our view of reality. These amazing developments by humanity must be seen against the background of catastrophic directions on a global scale of species extinction, climate de-construction, and their implications for the well-being and survival of life on Earth.

I needed a way of thinking about these overwhelming developments. I needed to situate myself as a part of what felt to me like a transformation at the human level of experience that is happening. I could feel it and see it at a personal level, but I could not grasp it.

One thing I value about the network is sharing my emergent project with global leaders and learning about their projects. This is a global map of over 1000 participants.

Here is a short video description of my project. You might need to copy this link and paste it into your browser.

This video describes an early vision for this project. One change from this description is that I have incorporated interbeing with correspondence and interiority. I no longer use the term “inner self” and instead use “interiority.” I understand this to be the mechanism by which our creative inspiration comes. It is the link to our participation as humans to prioritize the regeneration of life on Earth.

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