Greening Urban Space

Singapore aims to be a “city in a garden,” “A concrete jungle destroys the human spirit,” former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said.

In Singapore, greenery cascades off a luxury hotel, soothing guests in a balcony pool and people on the street below.

Palimpsest Project – Dreaming Urban Nature
A residency in Flock House Project Omaha
Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts – Old Market
Prepared by Cynthia P. Gehrie, Ph.D. – project leader
Botanical Artist and Qualitative Researcher in Arts Integration Programs
Volunteer Coordinator with the Iowana Farm CSA
August 6 – 16, 2014
The Palimpsest project used a dual approach integrating research and art making. I led it
with several volunteers from the Iowana Farm CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
in Crescent, Iowa.

Figure 1 – Omaha artist Tyler Kissel draws his concept for a Flock House. He said, “I want one in my backyard.” He introduced the idea of moveable gardens.

Here is my journal and data summary from the Flock House data collection during the Flock House exhibit at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Art.

Here are videos and other documentation published on the Bemis website for the Flock House Omaha exhibit and project.